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Snake Salvation Reality Star Jamie Coots Dies After Being Bitten BY A SNAKE! Find Out Why He REFUSED Treatment!

snake salvation national geographic jamie coots dead snake bite
The loss of life is sad, regardless of how it came about — so the seemingly ‘duh’ coincidence of Snake Salvation star Jamie Coots dying because of a snake bite doesn’t mean we should make light of it.
That being said, what did he think was going to happen?
The National Geographic show was a reality program about a pastor who was convincing people that faith could and will save them from snake bite venom.
Regardless of what you believe, it seems like he was really putting lives in danger! You can believe what you want for yourself, just don’t rope others into it!
Jamie died Saturday after being bitten by a snake and refusing medical treatment. He was one of two pastors in a sect of Christian churches in Kentucky, Alabama, West Virginia and Tennessee.
The NatGeo Channels had this statement after his passing:

“National Geographic joins his family, friends and community in mourning the loss of Pastor Jamie Coots. In following Pastor Coots for our series Snake Salvation, we were constantly struck by his devout religious convictions despite the health and legal peril he often faced. Those risks were always worth it to him and his congregants as a means to demonstrate their unwavering faith. We were honored to be allowed such unique access to Pastor Jamie and his congregation during the course of our show, and give context to his method of worship. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.”

He was bitten on his right hand.
This wasn’t the first time he had been bitten, either — he was bitten twice before, and nearly died. Once was in the early ’90s from a rattlesnake bite to the left arm, and then again when bitten on the middle finger. We don’t think he was giving the snake the middle finger, but rather that’s just where it struck.
He refused treatment and survived both times, chalking it up to God.
A 28-year old-woman died in his church in 1995 because of a rattlesnake bite, and police even considered charging him with violating Kentucky’s law against handling snakes in church, but a judge said Coots should not be prosecuted for practicing his faith.
At what point does your faith become a life risk to others? Where is the line drawn?
And let’s talk about the fact that Kentucky even had to outlaw the poisonous snakes from religious services at all in 1940! It must have been super common, which makes us wonder WHY IS THIS COMMON?
The law is rarely enforced because the law is hesitant to prosecute people for their religious beliefs.
Ch-ch-check out a taste of the show (below)!

[Image via AP Images.]

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Feb 17, 2014 11:35am PDT

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