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Baby Blabber

Snooki & Jionni FIGHT Over Baby Lorenzo In EXCLUSIVE Snooki & JWOWW Clip! WATCH HERE!

Watch out Jionni! Beware the wrath of Mamma Snooki!!
The Jersey Shore munchkin and her loverman Jionni introduce their tiny newborn baby Lorenzo to his classy little boy room — complete with an armoire! — in this EXCLUSIVE clip from an all new Snooki and JWOWW
But the couple begin to butt heads over WHO gets to snuggle with Lorenzo first!
Watch the baby drama unfold (above)!
Where’s JWOWW at?! Girl needs to step in and diffuse this situation STAT before the shit baby poop hits the fan!
Find out just HOW this sticky situation resolves itself and tune in to an all new Snooki and JWOWW TONIGHT at 10pm!

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Feb 12, 2013 11:52am PDT