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Hateful Tennessee Senator Stacey Campbell Gets Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Homophobic Remarks!

Stacey Campfield rejected
We want to give this woman a high five so hard!!! We’re so proud of what she did!
Martha Boggs, the owner of a Knoxville, Tennessee restaurant called The Bistro at the Bijou, DENIED Senator Stacey Campbell (who proposed the state’s ridiculous “Don’t Say Gay” law) entrance into her establishment because of his homophobic remarks in a recent interview that included:

“Most people realize that AIDS came from the homosexual community — it was one guy screwing a monkey, if I recall correctly, and then having sex with men. It was an airline pilot, if I recall.”
“What’s the average lifespan of a homosexual? it’s very short. Google it yourself.”
“Homosexuals represent about 2 to 3 percent of the population yet you look at television and plays and theaters, it’s 50 percent of the theaters, probably more than that, 50 percent of the theaters based on something about homosexuality.”

So this bigot tried to enter Boggs restaurant and she told him to leave before he could even sit down, stating on her Facebook:

“I hope that Stacy Campfield now knows what it feels like to be unfairly discriminated against.”

Right on, gurl! She went on to further explain her actions in an interview after the incident, saying:

“I didn’t want his hate in my restaurant. I told him he wasn’t welcome here. … I feel like he’s gone from being stupid to being dangerous, and I wanted to stand up to him.”

We can’t say this enough, but THANK YOU!!!! Not only did you help out the LGBT community and it’s supporters (rational human beings), but it looks like you probably boosted the traffic going in and out of your restaurant’s doors.
Over 200 people have shared her inspirational message on Facebook which garnered 1,905 likes! As a thank you, Boggs’ supporters are promising to stop at the Bistro next time they are in Knoxville, with recent messages reading:

“I know where I’m going to be eating at next time I pass through Knoxville.”
“I used to live in K’ville and ate at the Bistro many times. While I look forward to my next meal there, I appreciate your standing up to bigotry even more.”
“Next time I’m in Knoxville, I will definitely be stopping in for a meal! Thank you.”
“I’ll be proud to eat at your establishment when I am traveling your way. Thanks for having the cojones to do what’s right.”

And those were just written within a 30 minutes of writing this! We foresee A LOT more support coming her way!
From the bottom of our heart, thank you so much for standing up for what is absolutely, undeniably RIGHT!!!
Do U support Martha Boggs actions? Let her know here and if you’re ever in Knoxville, enjoy a meal at The Bistro at the Bijou!

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Jan 30, 2012 17:40pm PDT

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