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Super Cute Tiny Monkeys Play With Jell-O!!

Ahhhhh! Omg omg omg! Why did no one think of this earlier??

All animals at zoos need “enrichment.”

That means activities that challenge them mentally and physically, keeping them from getting bored and making their lives better.

Some genius at the Bronx Zoo realized that the squirrel monkeys would look insanely cute digging berries out of Jell-O… so guess what?

They gave them berry filled Jell-O!!

As if these tiny little critters weren’t cute enough on their own, they gotta go and give them Jell-O to play with??

It’s so cute, watching the monkey’s dig through the unnatural substance.

They clearly have no idea what the Jell-O is, seeing as how Jell-O doesn’t usually exist in nature. LOLz!

Check out the video (above) to see some super cute monkeys playing with Jell-O!!

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Oct 24, 2013 08:01am PDT

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