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Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift Joins Conor Kennedy And Family During Visit To Mother's Grave Site

Taylor Swift Joins Conor Kennedy And Family During Visit To mary richardson kennedy Grave Site
She may have seriously pissed off some of her new man’s extended family, but one thing is definitely certain:
Taylor Swift has been nothing but supportive and comforting to Conor Kennedy while he still comes to grips with the tragic death of his mother, Mary Richardson Kennedy!
Although she apparently angered Victoria Giffords Kennedy by attending her daughter’s nuptials against request, the country singer joined Conor, his brother and sister, as well as several other members of the political dynasty yesterday while they visited Mary’s grave site in Cape Cod.
While there, Taylor looked to be consoling her boyfriend while she held his hand and bowed her head in prayer!
So sweet!
We can’t even imagine what a difficult time he must be working though such an awful loss, especially given the circumstances surrounding her passing, so we’re glad to see that he’s surrounding himself with good, positive people like Taylor as he and his family heal and moves forward!
[Image via WENN.]

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Aug 22, 2012 17:41pm PDT

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