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The Wanted's Tom Parker Leads His Lady Lover Out Of A London Nightclub!

tom parker the wanted date night club girlfriend kelsey hardwick london

There’s a lot of attention on One Direction This is Us premiere, but don’t let that make you forget about another brilliant boy band… The Wanted!!!

Tom Parker hasn’t forgotten, though — he doesn’t forget anything! His mind is a steel trap!

Speaking of steel, did someone steal his ice cream cone?!

Because we can’t come up with any other reason why cameras should catch him looking so glum outside of Mahiki nightclub!!

He’s rich, talented, has a cutey-patootie girlfriend in Kelsey Hardwick, and he just left a kick-ass club!!! He should be all smiles and waves!!!

Unless… has 1D gotten him down!?

Their feud, though inactive at the moment, still left a sour taste in some of the members’ mouths… but don’t fret, Tom! You’re a shiny gold star all around!

[Image via Pacific Coast News.]

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Aug 30, 2013 20:15pm PDT

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