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Alexander Skarsgård

Erotic Eric Meets Vampy Tara On Next Week's True Blood!!!

Before we begin things here, can we just say how happy it makes us to see Eric Northman back on his rightful Fangtasia throne??
Oh, Alexander Skarsgard, how you slay us with your hot, powerful and vicious beauty!
The things you make us do… Rawr!
Okay, anyway, to get back to what’s really important (besides ASkars peen – whaaa?), let’s take a looksie at this new clip from next week’s episode of True Blood.
The illustrious Pam finally introduces Eric to the newest vampily member, Tara, er, his granddaughter. (Guess she made it out of that tanning booth of True Death, huh???) And boy, he does NOT look happy. But, then again, is he ever happy when he’s not having naked seksi time with some little hot thing? Are WE ever happy when he’s not having naked seksi time with US?? Ha! Yeah, just wonderin’….
Anyway, check out this short, but sweet clip (above)! Oh, it just makes us beg for more! More! MORE!!!!
P.S. Is it Sunday yet???

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Jun 28, 2012 20:40pm PDT

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