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Twinkies News Alert: BACK ON SHELVES JULY 15th!

twinkies july return food snack business
Honestly, there isn’t much more to say other than the information in the title: Twinkies are going to be back in your mouth on July 15th!
If you remember, Hostess went bankrupt and had to auction off their recipes and find investors. Luckily, they did! They’re even expecting a blockbuster return next month for Twinkies and other sugary treats, all because of the nostalgia that hit with force when news surfaced of the products being discontinued!
We’re just glad we don’t have to guess when in July this is happening! To tell you the truth though, we’re more excited for nostalgia sake too — those little cream-filled cakes are not very good for you, and being healthy is where it’s at!
What would a childhood be like without at least trying one, though?? The world is lucky they’re back!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Jun 24, 2013 20:29pm PDT

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