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Worst College Roommate EVER Arrested After Bragging On Instagram About POISONING Girl With Bodily Fluids!

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Warning: This story gets REALLY vile!
A college student at the University Of Hartford was arrested this past weekend for the horrific bullying of her roommate — because she was fool enough to brag about it on social media!
Brianna Brochu (left) and Jazzy Owen (right) were freshmen housed together randomly, and for some reason Brianna took an immediate dislike to her new roomie. For some reason.
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Did we mention she referred to Jazzy as “Jamaican Barbie”?
Anyway, Jazzy explained in a Facebook Live video that she had been to the clinic for awful bacterial infection in her throat, something doctors couldn’t explain. She says it got so bad, she could barely speak.
But she never put that together with the fact she felt unwanted in her room — until she finally told Brianna she had decided to move out. That’s when some friends pointed her to a (since deleted) Instagram post by Brianna which said:

“Finally did it yo girl got rid of her roommate!! After 1 1/2 month of spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons on her backpack, putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn’t shine and so much more I can finally say goodbye Jamaican Barbie.”

Ew! Ew ew ew ew ewwwwwwwwwww!!!
According to Jazzy, people have since told her this was NOT the first post mentioning what she was doing!
Police were notified and arrested Brochu on charges of 3rd degree criminal mischief and 2nd degree breach of peace and was released on $1000 bail.
Um, does anyone else think that’s a little lenient for POISONING SOMEONE WITH YOUR OWN BODILY FLUIDS?? Ugh, we can barely even say that without gagging.
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Brochu reportedly confessed to the tampons on the backpack and to licking Rowe’s utensils but denied everything else in her IG post. She also claimed Rowe had created the “hostile environment” by posting Snapchat video of her snoring. She is due in court on Wednesday.
The University President Greg Woodward released a statement on the matter, saying:

“Acts of racism, bias, bullying, or other abusive behaviors will not be tolerated on this campus… Throughout the day, I and members of my administration have been meeting with students, including representatives from the Student Government Association, multicultural organizations, and concerned students. I have also met with the affected student and we are in communication with her family. We will continue to offer support and assistance to her, as well as any other student that feels threatened, victimized, or uncomfortable on our campus. Let me repeat; racism and hatred will not be tolerated on this campus. Period.”

The scariest thing? Imagine if Brianna hadn’t bragged about her bad behavior!
How many people are being victimized in their own homes RIGHT NOW with absolutely no idea??
See Jazzy tell her story, including more photo proof of what Brianna did (below)!

[Image via West Hartford Police Department/Facebook.]

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Nov 01, 2017 17:37pm PDT