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Update: Porky's Star Death Ruled As Suicide

So Sad!
We posted earlier that Wyatt Knight, the actor who played Tommy Turner in the Porky’s movies, was found dead in Maui.
Now, Wyatt’s wife Silvina Knight has confirmed the that his death was a suicide.
She says that after battling cancer radiation treatments “left him in both physical and emotional pain.”
She explains that her husband planned the trip to Hawaii so he could die in somewhere beautiful.

“He was tired of the pain and after much contemplation, chose to end his life in a beautiful and a serene place. Wyatt was an incredibly talented, intelligent and loving person with an amazing spirit. He is free and at peace.”

Wow. He finally beat cancer, but no longer had the will to live.
Truly heartbreaking!

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Nov 03, 2011 22:30pm PDT

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