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Zac Efron Partied Much Harder Than His Public Image Lead On!

We're finally getting a sneak peek into Zac Efron's hard partying ways, that lead to his addiction.

After High School Musical premiered on Disney Channel, a new teen heartthrob emerged, shooting to super stardom!

We had high hopes that Zac Efron wouldn’t fall victim to the pitfalls of Hollywood addiction…

But after news of his rehab stint broke on Monday, our demenor went from hopeful to fearful for the talented hunk.

New sources are giving their take on how Zac’s addiction developed, and explain that his ‘good boy’ reputation was a cover for a hard partying private persona!

An insider close to the actor revealed:

“He surrounds himself with a group that enjoys partying. He got caught up in the partying lifestyle the past few years.”

Several nightlife sources explained how he kept his struggle with substance abuse in private– and although Zefron liked to go out– he was known for keeping an extremely low profile at clubs:

“He would make sure that his friends surrounded him and was clearly concerned with his privacy ├óΓé¼┬ª almost to a paranoid level.”

We already know that the star relapsed once, attending outpatient care twice this year for his addiction!

So a foray back into cocaine and alcohol is not out of the realm of possibilities.

Luckily, the Parkland actor has apparently ditched toxic friends that opened his eyes to partying, leaving him with a solid group of people concerned for his sobriety!

If he stays out of the clubs and on the path to a healthier life, we believe he can continue to beat this demon!

CLICK HERE to see other celebs who’ve fought addiction– AND WON!

[Image via PGpg7/Ramey Pix.]

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Sep 19, 2013 11:16am PDT

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