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10 Quick Tips For Making The Most Out Of New Year Resolutions!

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Worried that your New Year Resolutions are going to be bullshizz like every other year?
Make this year different!
We have Lisa Lisa DeFazio here with 10 fabtastic tips on making your self-promises stick!!
Here they are:

1. Brainstorm. Get a sheet of paper and just write what you are not satisfied with regarding work, career, family, friends, health, weight, diet, exercise, finances, relationships, stress, etc.
2. Choose 5 areas of your life that you want to improve or change, for example: Health, social life, career, finances, family
3. For each category make a specific action you will take to achieve your goal resolution.
For example:
Health- I will exercise 4 times per week for 45 min by either walking or going to the gym.
Social life- once per month I will organize a girls night out by emailing 5 friends to go to the movies, dinner, dancing etc.
Family- I will have dinner with my parents twice per month.
Career- I will make a list of my accomplishments at my current job, meet with my Boss and ask for a raise.
4. Write or type the list, print it out and keep a copy at work and at home where you can see it daily.
5. To stay motivated, write WHY each resolution is important to you, such as, my parents have done so much for me and I want to show my appreciation by seeing them more often.
6. At the end of each month evaluate how you are doing and get back on track if you are not moving forward.
7. Each day do something special for yourself, it can be simple like, take 30 min and relax at a coffee place and have a latte, or get a manicure, or take a 30 min walk on a lunch break, pamper and nurture your physical and mental self.
8. If there are people in your life that you feel hold you back, criticize you, put you down or are negative, do not talk to them anymore-they are not true friends.
9. Make a vision board. Cut pictures and words out of magazines that express what you want in your life and who you want to be. Glue the pictures and words on a piece of paper. This puts your goals in a visual display.
10. Meditate, pray, listen to music, whatever works for you to get centered every day to be the best you can be and claim the life you want.
These are all things that I have done and in 2013 we will reach our goals and resolutions together!

– Lisa├óΓé¼Γäós a leading nutrition expert and a Master├óΓé¼Γäós degree level Registered Dietitian, so be sure to check out her website for more tips and videos — and if U wanna know more about New Year’s resolution OR anything else, U can always email us at [email protected]!!

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Jan 02, 2013 17:00pm PDT

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