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Aaron Rodgers Bets An Entire Year's Salary On Ryan Braun And Loses!!

aaron rodgers tweets fan that hell give up a years salary if ryan braun does steroids

Twitter ALWAYS seems to be leading to problems for athletes!!

About a year ago, there was some speculation swirling around that Milwaukee Brewers outfielder was using performance enhancing drugs, but Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers had faith that his fellow Wisconsin star was squeaky clean!

So when 37-year-old tweeter Todd Sutton asked if he really believed that the slugger hadn’t used steroids, Aaron decided to put his money where his mouth is and responded:

“@toddsutton ya I’d put my salary next year on it. #ponyup #exonerated”

Well the bad news for Aaron is that Ryan was just recently suspended for violating the MLB’s drug policy! The other bad news is the internet NEVER forgets!!

Todd’s Twitter exchange with the Green Bay qb has been making it’s way around the internet over the past 24 hours, and he opened up about it and said:

“I├óΓé¼Γäóm not really expecting to hear from him. It├óΓé¼Γäód be cool, but I doubt it├óΓé¼Γäós going to happen.”

Luckily for Aaron, Todd has a good sense of humor and jokingly said that he’d take a $281,250 “game check” instead of the full $4.5 million he’s entitled to!

However, we’re not 100% sure if a tweets counts as a legally binding contract! But hey, we’re not lawyers here! LOLz!

P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!

[Image via Tom Hauck/AP Images.]

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Jul 23, 2013 19:29pm PDT