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Fran Drescher's Fit Tips For A Healthier Lifestyle

Fran 2
Eating in moderation is no easy task!
Debbie from Massachusetts is having trouble avoiding excess calories while she’s out of her house, so she asked FitPerez health contributor Fran Drescher for advice, writing:

“I can├óΓé¼Γäót seem to avoid overeating while I├óΓé¼Γäóm out, at work, etc. What should I do?”

According to Fran:

Debbie, sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and it can be difficult not to eat whatever is in front of you, especially if it’s sugary or carb-a-licious. If you are trying to watch what you eat and have a social function, I suggest eating healthy before you go so that your body doesn’t immediately go crazy when you see the probable, unhealthy display of goodies.
When I’m at work, I always bring my own healthy snacks and food with me so I know exactly what’s going in my mouth. That way the chocolate chip cookies, brownies and truffles sitting in the conference room don’t magically float into my mouth and right smack onto my thighs! Moderation is key!

For more answers to any health questions on your mind, tweet @frandrescher #askfranforfitperez and help fight cancer by checking out her website!

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Oct 18, 2011 15:00pm PDT

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