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Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande Wants To Remain A Role Model & "Lady" Despite What Miley Cyrus Thinks!

ariana rolemodel
Her sweetness gives us cavities!
Ariana Grande is a sugary princess—and she wants everyone to know it!
Despite what Miley Cyrus said about corrupting the singer’s image this week, Ari knows she’ll never come close to the bad-assery that Mileybird possess!
In the new issue of Cosmo, Miz Grande confessed that she’s sort of boring:

“I think I’m an old soul. What excites younger people doesn’t excite me… I’m kind of a boring, normal girl who likes Harry Potter and to sit in her pajamas and sing. A lot of my friends are partiers, but I’ve never really clicked with that. I like Barbra Streisand, and when was the last time you saw Babs getting, like, turnt up? That’s kind of the road that I, as a lady, would like to go down.”

Ain’t no shame in the Streisand game—because Babs is a classy broad, and so are you!
Ariana also revealed that some people mistake her kind heart for weakness, but she’s proud of what she’s proven so far:

“I never really expected to be taken seriously as an artist, and it’s just been the ultimate, proudest achievement. I’ve dealt with a lot of people not knowing what to expect from me because of my age and my personality. People often mistake my kindness for weakness, and they didn’t expect much from me, because at the end of the day, I’m just a nice Italian girl from Boca.”

We know fans love her baby-doll cuteness…
So we say, keep up the timid fabulocity and slay the critics with your powerhouse voice!
[Image via Cosmo]

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Dec 30, 2013 16:10pm PDT

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