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Bam Margera

Bam Margera's Estranged Wife Nikki Boyd Says She & His Son Are Being EVICTED!

Bam Margera Wife Nikki Boyd Claims Son Evicted No Support

The legal battle between Bam Margera and his estranged wife isn’t getting any less messy, we’re afraid.

As you may have heard, the troubled Jackass alum was arrested last week in San Diego on charges of domestic abuse stemming from an alleged assault on a new girlfriend. Meanwhile he hasn’t even squared things with his wife! Nikki Boyd, with whom he shares 5-year-old son Phoenix, filed for legal separation last month. It was a long time coming, obviously, as the MTV star has been off the rails for months, falling off the wagon, falling out with friends, and escaping from rehab.

Related: Bam Margera Says He Was ‘Pronounced Dead’ At Hospital

The final straw, according to Nikki’s lawyer David Glass, was when Bam showed up under the influence to a visitation with Phoenix. If that’s true, it means he couldn’t even stay clean for a couple hours to be with his son. Heartbreaking.

Before his arrest, Bam took to social media to blast his ex and her lawyer, posting on his new colorfully named Instagram page:

“I am very disappointed about what Nikki and her lawyer have said about me publicly as a father. I love my son more than anything in this world. I have in fact been supporting my son. No one knows my side of the story which makes me sad. But hopefully one day they will.”

Well, forget the rest of Bam’s side. Nikki and her attorney took issue with the veracity of just that short caption — specifically the part about “supporting” his son. Speaking to TMZ on Thursday, Glass jabbed back:

“Unfortunately, Mr. Margera doesn’t seem to understand what ‘supporting your wife and child’ means.”

Then he dropped the awful claims about the destitute state Nikki has been left in — as Bam spends money on things like posting bail for an arrest for allegedly hitting another woman:

“Nikki has no car, no money, is being evicted from her apartment, and can’t afford to send their child to school, while Bam drops $50,000 on bail, and who knows how much on a Las Vegas spree.”

It’s a shocking statement. This couple used to be so sweet together, and frankly it seems pretty obvious just from his own statements that he’s failed her. She may have filed for the separation, but he abandoned her long before.

Bam Margera and Nikki Boyd in happier times
Bam Margera and Nikki Boyd in happier times. / (c) Apega/WENN

And now? Glass says she’s in desperate need without him:

“Either Bam, or his parents — whoever controls his money — has to provide Nikki with enough money each month so she can care for their son.”

In another IG post, Bam refused to pay Nikki any more money, saying Glass was demanding he “pay 10 grand for Nikki to try to gold dig.” He argued that they were never technically married in the first place — so he doesn’t owe anything:

“We are not married idiot! You have to be a resident of Iceland to make it official and we didn’t live there, I gave her 5 grand a month the whole time her brother locked me up and I just bought her a car. It’s not my fault she got a dui and crashed my Porsche and doesn’t have a license, I did my part.”

He added if he was not going to be allowed to see his son anymore he was “not sending him anymore money.” We’re not totally clear if he meant not sending Phoenix money or not sending it to Glass. Read for yourself (below):

What do YOU think, Perezcious readers? Is this still part of Bam’s downward spiral??

[Image via Bam Margera/Nikki Boyd/Instagram.]

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Mar 10, 2023 06:50am PDT