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Barack Obama

Barack Obama Is Absolutely Living His Best Life Right Now

Barack Obama
Wow, Barry is so fucking cool.
Barack and Michelle Obama might already be back from vacation and settling into their new $4.3 million home in Washington, D.C. — but we’re still reminiscing on their AH-mazing getaway!
As you know, the former (*cries*) First Couple took a trip to Palm Springs with their girls, Sasha and Malia, before spending 10 days on Virgin billionaire Richard Branson‘s private island.
In a new blog posted on Tuesday, Branson wrote about offering the Obamas a “complete break” following Barack’s two terms as POTUS.
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The businessman penned:

“One of the first stories Barack told me when he and Michelle arrived on Moskito Island was how, just before he became President, he had been surfing on a dangerous break in Hawaii. The new head of his security team turned to him and said: ├óΓé¼╦£This will be the last time you surf for eight years.'”

So, what did the 55-year-old politician do? He learned to kitesurf, of course!
Branson went on:

“So we decided to set up a friendly challenge: could Barack learn to kitesurf before I learned to foilboard? We agreed to have a final day battle to see who could stay up the longest.”


“We were neck and neck until the last run on the last day, when I got up on the foilboard and screamed along for over 50 metres, three feet above the water. I was feeling very pleased with myself, only to look over and see Barack go 100 metres on his kiteboard! I had to doff my cap to him and celebrate his victory.”

Well DUH! Of course Barry won!
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Lucky for us, the entire challenge was documented in a YouTube video filmed by Jack Brockway:

Not to mention there’s these adorable photos of the coolest prez we’ve ever had letting loose:

We’re SO happy Barack had a relaxing trip, but he can paddle board his way back into the White House any moment now! Thanks!
[Image via Jack Brockway/YouTube.]

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Feb 07, 2017 10:57am PDT