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Beer Is Great, BBQ Is Great: But Put Them Together And They Can Fight Cancer??

Beers and BBQs go together better than you thought... when you use beer as a marinade! Fight cancer with beer! Really!
There are few things more classic than grilling and drinking a beer.
It’s what makes a manly man, a manly man. If he happens to be wearing an apron and nothing else, that’s fine too.
Would you ever have imagined that combining the beer and BBQ can actually help protect you against cancer??
It can! But you literally have to combine your beer and your BBQ.
A new study found that when meat was marinated in beer, the levels of cancer-causing compounds were reduced by up to 53%!! That’s crazy! All researchers did was marinate a pork loin steak in beer for about 4 hours. Then they cooked it for ten minutes on an open charcoal grill.
After it was cooked, they tested it for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), cancerous particles that form when fat drips onto coal and makes a deadly smoke.
The antioxidant effects from the beer helped protect the meat from letting too many PAHs form.
Coolest part? Even nonalcoholic beer worked! (Though it only reduced PAHs by 25%.)
Another way to protect your meat? Grill further from the charcoal, trim fat off the meat so it doesn’t drip down onto coals, and replace your coals so old meals’ PAHs can’t contaminate your new one.
That’s so great! This will def come in handy as it gets closer to summer.
Get yo grill on!

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Apr 16, 2014 11:32am PDT

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