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Watch British Parliament HIGHlariously Debate Banning Donald Trump From Entering The Country!

You definitely don’t see this with every American presidential candidate!
The British Parliament has been debating whether or not they should ban Donald Trump from the country over his bigoted and openly racist statements — and you can see their arguments (above)!!!
Obviously, Americans would be taken aback at this idea of banning people from entering a country just over words, but freedom of speech doesn’t work in the same way in other countries as it does in the United States.
Related: The Donald Just Showed Us The WORST Song Of All Time!!
The UK has banned plenty of American celebrities for various reasons before, including Michael Savage, and even Martha Stewart! Another country, Australia, just recently banned Chris Brown, too!
So it’s not totally unprecedented to get banned — but for a leading presidential candidate, well, this is a REALLY big deal!
What do U think of the debate over whether The Donald should be banned from the UK??
Also, can we pay Mexico to build a really tall wall right around Trump and ban him from America, too?!

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Jan 18, 2016 18:19pm PDT