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Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz Gets Handsy During Sex Tape With Super Slim Jason Segel!

cameron diaz jason segel holding hands sex tape

Whoa, whoa, whoa, kids! Keep it PG, please!

Oh wait, Cameron Diaz actually was keeping her PDA with Jason Segel appropriate for the public while they were on the set of Sex Tape.

Despite the racy title, the two were caught in a very child-friendly sitch during filming as they walked along holding hands.

And we’re happy that’s all they were doing because it gave us a chance to focus on how fit Jason is looking these days. We knew he had gotten into shape and dropped some major poundage, but DAYUM, boy!

We’re totes impressed and happy he’s feeling healthy!

And scoring some hand action (perhaps off-camera as well?) from Cameron doesn’t hurt either!

[Image via Patriot Pics/FameFlynet Pictures.]

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Oct 01, 2013 11:14am PDT

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