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12 Days Of Perezmas: 7 Celeb Rehab Stays

Demi Lovato

On the seventh day of Perezmas, pop culture gave to us… SEVEN celeb rehab stays.
Truth be told, 2018 was a difficult year for a lot of people, and celebs weren’t immune to some of the challenges of the past twelve months. These seven celebs suffered scares in various ways this year, but it doesn’t mean they are irredeemable or incapable of getting back on track.
Here’s to healthy, successful experiences in rehab and a good life after completing it!!!
Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato
No doubt the highest-profile (and scariest) rehab story of the year centers on Demi Lovato, who reportedly nearly died after an apparent overdose back in August. Fortunately, the singer received critical emergency care at the time and eventually recovered in the hospital, transitioning to a highly-specialized rehab facility for several months afterwards. As the year ends, it seems like Demi (and her sober buddy/boyfriend?) are back on track and well on the way to becoming truly healthy! Yay!!
Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck Home From Rehab... To Work Out
As Ben Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Garner ended, so too did the actor’s resistance to really give rehab a full go in battling his long-standing alcohol addiction. Garner got him to rehab this summer (like, literally physically drove him there herself), after which the pair’s divorce became official. Ben has appeared to be taking the rehab process seriously in the past few months, too, which gives us hope that there will yet be a light at the end of the tunnel for the Good Will Hunting star!
Mel B
mel b stephen belafonte
It was a bit of a non-traditional rehab stay for Mel B this year, though valuable nonetheless; the Spice Girls singer checked into rehab after her tumultuous marriage to Stephen Belafonte fell apart, and she was left having suffered from self-diagnosed PTSD and a ton of anxiety. Mel B outright said she wasn’t a drug addict or sex addict, but rather, rehab was her way to intensely — and safely — detox from a very, very difficult period in her life. Self care… so critical!!!
Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez mental breakdown pressure
Though her rehab stay this year was brief, it was essential for Selena Gomez, as the star battled news of her ex-boyfriend’s sudden and stunning engagement to another woman along with a disastrous print interview that likely hastened her retreat from the public eye to rest and recover.
Luann de Lesseps
Luann de Lesseps
After a scary fall from grace that went viral late last year, Luann de Lesseps checked herself into rehab with the express purpose of getting healthy, once and for all. But unfortunately, an untimely relapse this summer set the Real Housewives of New York City star a good bit, forcing her to once again check into rehab to get her life back in order.
Bam Margera
Bam Margera
If this feels like it was forever ago, that’s because it (kind of) was… just a few days after the New Year, Bam Margera got busted for DUI — and in short order immediately afterwards, he checked himself into rehab to address addiction issues. No doubt the death of his longtime friend and co-star Ryan Dunn from an alcohol-related crash likely had something to do with it. Here’s to Bam getting fully healthy as he continues to grow into being a father even more in 2019!!!
Colin Farrell
Colin Farrell
That’s right, y’all. You may not remember since it happened all the way back in late March/early April, but Colin Farrell did check himself into rehab in 2018. The interesting thing here is that Farrell appears to have done it pre-emptively; in other words, while he didn’t relapse out on the street before checking in, Farrell could sense it coming and decided to do something about it early. Smart!!!
So there you have it, folks — seven (of many more!) celeb rehab stays over the past twelve months. Here’s hoping everybody gets (and permanently stays) clean and healthy, and better off for it!
[Images via WENN.]

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Dec 19, 2018 06:00am PDT