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Cheyenne Jackson Gets Officially Hitched!


Fantastic news!

Taking advantage of New York’s recent legalization of same sex marriage, Cheyenne Jackson and his longtime partner Monte Lapka officially married on Saturday.

After having a romantic beach wedding, Cheyenne tweeted:

“It’s official, after 11 years together, Zora’s no longer a bastard. Married the best man I’ve ever known.”

How cute!! Zora is the couple’s Rottweiler-mix doggie! Awww…

And it looks like Cheyenne had his dream wedding. He earlier expressed that all he wanted was “something small” with “just close friends and good music….our dog would be there too.”

Seems like he got everything he wished for.

We’re so happy for you, Cheyenne and Monte! Congratulations!

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Sep 04, 2011 11:40am PDT