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Jenelle Evans

Jenelle Evans' Ex Nathan Griffith & Family Worried For 9-Year-Old Kaiser Amid David Eason Abuse Allegations!

David Eason Abuse Allegations Jenelle Evans Baby Daddy Nathan Griffith Family Scared Kaiser

A lot of Teen Mom fans are worried about Jenelle Evans‘ teen son Jace right now, and rightfully so. The 14-year-old ran away three times in the past couple months, leading Child Protective Services to start an investigation. Jenelle’s mom Barbara claims Jace told investigators he’d been “hiding” from his stepdad David Eason, who physically abused him.

Considering the horrors Eason has been accused of in the past, even admitted to, this is far too easy to believe. Not to mention there’s apparently evidence — the boy reportedly had “visible marks on his neck and arm.”

Jenelle and David have lashed out at fans who voiced concern amid the accusations. But it isn’t just strangers who are worried. After all, Jace isn’t the only child in that house!

Related: Teen Mom Crew Were Too Scared Of David To Film Anymore?

Kaiser is the 9-year-old son Jenelle had with Nathan Griffith. He’s living with scary David Eason, too. So his family is starting to worry, according to a source spilling to The US Sun. The insider said:

“Nathan’s family is not surprised one bit about any of this. They are upset that Kaiser — and the other kids — have remained in the home after the allegations were made almost a week ago now.”

Jenelle did assure fans they have custody of all their kids, contrary to some early reporting. So you can understand why that would scare Nathan’s fam! Kaiser is younger and even less able to defend himself — or escape through a window like Jace did.

The source says the fam is doubly frustrated because they feel like they’ve lived through all this before, back in 2019. Yeah, the dog-killing incident.

At the time, per TMZ, Nathan heard the same gory story we did, about David getting angry at the family dog for snapping at his daughter. He allegedly beat the dog before taking it out back, executing it with a shotgun. We heard the children were horrified. No kidding. He later tried to justify his actions on social media, saying he was protecting his kids, which — come on, that’s insane. Even if the dog was a danger, there were options other than killing it. What kind of a sicko could do that??

Naturally Nathan was concerned. He reportedly reached out to police at the time, complaining:

“I guess there was a dispute with my ex-fiancée and her husband and he shot a dog. And there’s been multiple 911 calls of abuse. And I’m just trying to figure out where my son’s at and what I should do in this situation right now. I’m just so confused right now… I just want to make sure my son is safe.”

Now once again he and his fam are stuck on the outside hearing about abuse, neglect, something. Reports haven’t been very transparent, and they just want the best for Kaiser.

Would YOU want your child living in that house, having heard all this??

[Image via David Eason/Facebook/Jenelle Evans/Nathan Griffith/Instagram.]

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Oct 06, 2023 07:47am PDT