Is Denise Richards being a good mother? Or a BIG BROTHER??
On Tuesday night’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Denise revealed she had taken the next step in protective parenting — installing surveillance cameras to ensure her teenage daughter doesn’t sneak out!
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Sami Sheen is 15 years old now (we know, Denise Richards has a teen, that makes us feel so ancient!), and her mom is ready for the next phase of adolescence: making bad choices!
She told the RHOBH cameras:
“Sami’s getting into high school and new school, new boys. That’s when kids usually start sneaking out. I started sneaking out when I was 15 years old, so I know my kid’s going to sneak out. So I’m putting cameras up so I can catch her.”
She adds:
“We’ll be able to see people sneak out or sneak in.”
And also potential burglars. Or whatever.
The Starship Troopers star defended the decision to new hubby Aaron Phypers, whom she just married in September:
“She’s so mad about this. But whatever. At least we’re honest! I could have hid these.”
Well. That is true. Of course, that would only make sense if the goal was to bust your daughter, not to prevent questionable behavior.
Speaking of prevention, Denise has been pretty open on RHOBH about what a strict mom she is.
She previously gave Sami a 10 Things I Hate About You style rule about not having a boyfriend at all until she was 16.
So here’s our question.
Is this too much?
It’s one thing to give your kid boundaries, but should they be actual physical barriers?
We mean, teens are going to screw up. It could be argued it takes actually making a few bad decisions, on a smaller scale anyway, that helps kids learn to be adults.
If that’s true, shouldn’t they be given the freedom to make those mistakes?
Because as parents we aren’t going to be able to be there with surveillance cameras and door locks to enforce rules when the kids move out.
At some point they have to learn why they need to be responsible or they could end up having their wild streak at a time when they can legally buy alcohol and screw up more important jobs than… algebra homework.
On the other hand, we all know there are teens who need to be reined in. (Some of us were those teens.)
Is Denise just doing what she has to do to keep Sami safe from herself??
What do YOU think, Perezcious readers??
[Image via Dave Bedrosian/Future Image/WENN/Blumhouse/YouTube.]