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The Duggars

How The Other Duggars Spent Christmas After Josh Duggar's Child Porn Conviction

Duggars Christmas Josh Duggar Child Porn Conviction

Curious how a family spends Christmas after their brother is convicted of child porn and their father is called a liar who covered for him by the judge?

Well then, ladies and gentlemen, TLC presents… THE DUGGARS!

As we told you, Josh Duggar spent the holiday all alone, stuck having his Christmas “feast” in solitary confinement. At the time we noticed the family’s official Instagram account — you know, the one whose password we learned was the same one Josh used for his child porn stash — wasn’t sharing their usual holiday cheer. They have actually been radio silent since Thanksgiving.

Related: Was Jana’s Child Endangerment Charge Over Her Sister’s Kid??

But Jana Duggar took up the slack, family shame — including her own little scandal — be damned. She posted pics and videos of JessaJoy, James, Jeremy, Jed, Jason, Justin, and all the kids opening presents and playing Christmas songs together.

Notice anyone missing? We mean besides Josh, obviously.

Well, first off there’s Josh’s wife, Anna Duggar. She’s nowhere to be seen in the celebration. Not that we’d be able to tell them apart (sorry!) but we doubt her kids with Josh are there either. So… what’s the deal? We mean, she lives on the Duggars’ property, right? In that converted warehouse? Are they not invited to the celebrations? Or just not on camera? Because it would make everyone think of… well, you know.

Innerestingly, the big absence? Parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. Why would they not be there? Surely they must be home after Jim Bob’s failed Arkansas State Senate run — you know, following the disturbing revelations in his son’s child porn trial that he lied about his son’s molestation allegations years earlier.

It seems there was just a concerted effort to keep them off camera this year. So unlike the reality stars…

As for Jill and Derick Dillard, the persona non grata of the 19 Kids and Counting crowd, they spent their holiday in church. Jill — who has been keeping her distance from the family for the past couple years in light of other scandals — seems to be taking a break from social media. But husband Derick posted pics and video from a Christmas Eve service:

Man, we hope that crowd are all vaccinated and wearing masks…

Speaking of which, cousin Amy King and her hubby got COVID, so they had to quarantine from everyone else for Christmas. Sadly, a lot of holidays probably looked like this.

Hey, seems like a nicer holiday than some people…

[Image via Jana Duggar/Instagram/Washington County Sheriff’s Office.]

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Dec 30, 2021 09:52am PDT

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