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Gavin Rossdale

Gwen Stefani Is All Smiles After News Of Gavin Rossdale's Affair Hits The Presses

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This is NOT what we expected to see from Gwen Stefani!
On Thursday, Gwen was spotted out in El Lay with a huge smile on her face following the news that Gavin Rossdale allegedly cheated on her with their nanny.
Well, considering Stefani reportedly knew about the affair for a while now, we guess she had some time to get used to the scandal. As they say, time heals all!
Related: Gwen Doesn’t Want Her Three Kids To Know About Gavin’s Affair!
Hopefully the blonde will continue to be all smiles as she continues her relationship with Blake Shelton. The two seem to have genuine connection despite the fanfare and pregnancy rumors.
So, do YOU think Gwen’s smile is genuine?
[Image via Splash News.]

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Nov 12, 2015 19:07pm PDT

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