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Gypsy Rose Blanchard Reveals Last Contact With Mom's Killer -- And The OTHER Ex She & Husband Viciously Fight About!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Talks Last Contact With Mom's Killer -- And The OTHER Ex She & Her Husband Fight About

Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her husband Ryan Scott Anderson have fought like hell for their relationship — and her exes haven’t made it any easier!

During Lifetime‘s docuseries The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, which aired over the weekend, the 32-year-old opened up about her last contact with Nick Godejohn, her ex-boyfriend who murdered her mother Dee Dee in 2015, and her ex-fiancé Ken, who nearly destroyed her current romance!

Back in 2019, when she was still linked to Ken, she recalled getting a letter from Nick, who’s serving life in prison for his actions. She told the cameras:

“In early 2019, I received in the mail a letter from Nick. Basically, he was explaining to me that he is still in love with me. That he doesn’t regret what he did. So I began writing a letter back to him and I said, we’re both paying consequences of our choices and then I moved on to say I don’t want a relationship with you and I’m happy.”

Whoa! These days, she’s not even allowed to have any kind of contact with him, so his hopes of getting back together are truly squashed!

Related: Joy Behar Just Told Gypsy She Was Right To Commit Murder?!

As for her relationship with Ken at the time, it fizzled in 2019 as well  — completely breaking her heart, she added:

“I have always had a difficulty letting go of my ex-fiancé Ken. We were so connected at one time, I felt like he was a soulmate. I think it started to wear on Ken, the amount of time I had to do in prison and the stress of who I am as Gypsy Blanchard. I don’t think he knew how to deal with the popularity and fame of that, so three years ago, he ended the relationship. It was devastating to me.”

This heartbreak — and the lingering feelings of her romance — were very evident when she started to fantasize about a life with Ken… less than two weeks after she was set to marry Ryan in 2022! OMG!

Later in the documentary, Gypsy revealed that she told her husband days before the nuptials that she had a dream in which she left him for Ken. But what she didn’t initially reveal was she’d actually already reconnected with him IRL — this wasn’t just a dream! He, of course, freaked out, as she told him:

“I know there is that part of me that still has love for him.”

He reminded her that they were “getting married in like 12 days,” adding, “I thought you were done feeling that way.” When Gypsy asked what gave him that impression, he BLEW UP explaining:

“We’re getting married in 12 days, that’s what gave me that impression. That’s what gave me that f**king impression. When’s the last time you talked to him? Answer the question.”


Ryan only got more upset when his wife-to-be admitted she’d started talking to Ken THREE WEEKS earlier, even though (within that period) she’d said they hadn’t spoken in months. After calling her a “f**king liar,” Ryan hung up the phone, but the Released author quickly called back to insist she still wanted to get married. But instead of making amends right away, the teacher told her to call her ex and see if they could work it out. Oof. In a confessional, Ryan revealed he never wanted his wife to “settle” and at times felt “second fiddle” to Ken.

But in Gypsy’s opinion, Ken wasn’t ever a real option. She told Ryan her ex just wanted “some blonde, fake ass, prissy ass bimbo” and promised she wouldn’t be in contact with him again. She also said she’d have no interest in running back to him even if he did dump his “bimbo” girlfriend. Reflecting on this, Ryan shared:

“She told me that was her final goodbye. Do I worry, yes, but at the same time, I don’t. I trust her. It might take her a week to tell me, but she’ll tell me.”

Elsewhere in the series, Ryan opened up about his tumultuous relationship with Gypsy, saying she’s “got a bite” when they argue. Proving this, he also claimed she “likes to make me jealous on occasion.” She seemed to agree, noting she would play into his fears by saying she sometimes didn’t think he’d be “enough” for her and that she might “want freedom to date around,” she explained:

“I would tell him things I knew would hurt him because I was trying to push him away.”

She added:

“It has not been an easy relationship … I gave Ryan hell.”

Wow. Good on him for sticking around amid all that! It sure seems like it was worth it in the end — they are having the times of their lives now that they can finally be together! Let’s just hope they’ve left all the toxicity in their past.

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[Image via Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department & Lifetime/YouTube]

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Jan 08, 2024 14:01pm PDT