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Hulu Classes Up, Becomes A Haven For Rare And Important Films

hulu classes up and becomes a haven for rare and important films
Back in July, things weren’t looking too good for Hulu, and we said ourselves that they better come up with a pretty big gimmick to get back on top!
Now, Hulu Plus, the company’s paid streaming service, has partnered with The Criterion Collection, and will include many “important classic and contemporary films” in their service.
They’ll start out with 150 of Criterion’s titles, and an additional 650 will be added in the next several months.
This might not be anything TOO exciting to the folks who utilize Hulu for Modern Family re-runs, but for cinephiles looking for rare titles, and film students who can’t afford to pay $30 for a copy of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai, this is actually a pretty great value.
Guess the big question here is whether or not there are enough hardcore film folks out there to make this a profitable venture.
Would U sign up for Hulu Plus to gain access to lots of movies rare and important films?

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Feb 16, 2011 08:30am PDT

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