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James Corden

James Corden Downplays 'Silly' Restaurant Drama: 'I Haven't Done Anything Wrong'

James Corden Breaks Silence on 'Silly' Balthazar Restaurant Drama: 'I Haven't Done Anything Wrong'

Oh, boy…

James Corden is finally breaking his silence after he was slammed for being “the most abusive customer” at the popular New York City restaurant Balthazar. And, uh, his comments are just not it. While speaking to the New York Times on Thursday to promote his upcoming mini-series Mammals, the Late Late Show addressed the controversy — and shared his equally controversial take on the situation!

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The reporter started off by suggesting they thought James would surely cancel the interview in light of the other bad press circulating on the internet. James brushed off the notion any of the restaurant blabber was enough to mope around about, saying:

“I haven’t done anything wrong, on any level. So why would I ever cancel this? I was there. I get it. I feel so Zen about the whole thing. Because I think it’s so silly. I just think it’s beneath all of us. It’s beneath you. It’s certainly beneath your publication.”


Is he calling the NYT out for asking him about it? LOLz! He’s gonna HATE that the article was titled, “James Corden Would Rather Not Talk About That Balthazar Omelet.” Hah!

The Cats alum went on to insist he hasn’t read much of the viral chatter, but did admit he will probably “have to talk about it on Monday’s show.” Referencing the royal family’s motto, he added:

“My feeling, often, is, never explain, never complain. But I’ll probably have to talk about it.”

While he and his wife’s egg yolk omelet have been the talk of the town all week, James has been out and about in New York and hasn’t noticed any of the internet drama translated IRL. He noted:

“I’ve been here, been walking around New York, not one person’s come up to me. We’re dealing in two worlds here.”

Hysterically, during the interview, which took place at another restaurant in the city, a customer literally sent back her own egg dish! Like, was this preplanned? Because it’s way too good to be true! The comedian caught sight of the interaction and pointed it out, saying:

“Happens every day. It’s happening in 55,000 restaurants as we speak. It’s always about eggs. Can you imagine now, if we just blasted her on Twitter? Would that be fair? This is my point. It’s insane.”

It’s true. People send back their orders constantly… but it’s how they do it that matters. And this is what James doesn’t seem to understand!

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When Balthazar’s owner Keith McNally first called out the late-night host on Monday, he shared two examples of the “extremely nasty” behavior the celebrity displayed toward waiters and staff. Per Keith, James didn’t just point out his problems with patience and respect, he “began yelling like crazy” to a server when noticing his wife’s omelet was made incorrectly and redelivered without the proper side dish. On a separate occasion, he demanded all his tables’ drinks be covered after finding a hair in his food. Sooo… it’s never really been about what he did but how he did it. Just saying! Also, this wasn’t a one-restaurant offense! Keith and several others have witnessed James display this poor behavior at several other establishments!! Sigh…

Interestingly, the restaurateur quickly walked back his statement on Monday night and unbanned James after he “apologized profusely.” If only the actor had been more sincere in his first official statement rather than acting like he couldn’t give a s**t. It just makes him look way worse, TBH!! Hopefully, if he does bring it up on his CBS show, he actually delivers a real apology instead of this BS! Reactions, Perezcious readers? What do you make of James’ latest reaction to the drama?? Let us know (below)!

[Image via Late Late Show/YouTube]

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Oct 21, 2022 07:25am PDT