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J.K. Rowling Is The Queen Of Halloween By Releasing Some Spooky New Writing About Everyone's Most HATED Character -- Dolores Umbridge!

dolores umbridge jk rowling writes new story pottermore amazing
Since it’s Halloween, everyone is celebrating in their own ways.
Some people dress up, some eat loads and loads of candy, and if you’re J.K. Rowling you release some new writing about the villain that everyone hates…
Dolores Jane Umbridge.
The Harry Potter author took to her interactive website,, to release some AH-MAZING details and backstory to the toad-like witch who is the only other magic-folk to permanently scar Harry.
[ Related: J.K. Rowling Is Releasing A Halloween Story On Pottermore! ]
J.K. revealed that not only was Dolores a Slytherin, but she was also a half-blood with a muggle mom and a squib brother who she became estranged from at a young age.
Surprisingly, but also not, the pen that Dolores uses against Harry was her OWN invention! How evil is that!
The most incredible and surprising thing of all, however, is that J.K. revealed that Dolores is based upon a hybrid of two actual people that she knew in her life.
Which is a HUGE admission because J.K. has previously said the only character in the books based on someone real was Gilderoy Lockhart!
The musings on Dolores are absolutely fascinating, however, they do not make you feel any sympathy for her whatsoever!
She was JUST as ruthless growing up as she was in the famed novels!
If you have a Pottermore account, you can see the whole story there or if you haven’t joined the site yet, you can read it all HERE!
[Image via Pottermore.]

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Oct 31, 2014 12:53pm PDT

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