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American Horror Story

John Travolta Gives Lady GaGa A Kiss On The Cheek -- But Was It Better Than THAT Infamous Scarlett Johansson Smooch??

Vote for which John Travolta kiss was better!!
It was the kiss seen around the world.
John Travolta gave Scarlett Johansson a quick peck as she posed for photogs at the Oscars back in February — and left those watching with second-hand embarrassment.
If you didn’t know anything about their close friendship, it was flat out awkward.
Related: John Travolta Defends Scientology AGAIN!
While ScarJo defended her former co-star, which really is very sweet, it seems the actor has found a new lady to smooch…
Lady GaGa!
The American Horror Story: Hotel starlet shared the shot (above) to Instagram on Wednesday with a cute message, writing:

“I know when John comes to see me in the mornings it’s gonna be a good day 🙂 what a sweetheart”

Aww! We love that!
While both ladies are lucky enough to be so close with John, what we really want to know is…
[Image via Lady Gaga/Instagram/WENN.]

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Oct 01, 2015 12:18pm PDT