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Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Gets Into Even MORE Miami Legal Trouble! Get The Deets On His Latest Lawsuit HERE!

justin bieber lawsuit paparazzi photographer bodyguard miami dui arrest
Justin Bieber has more legal trouble in Miami than Dexter – and that guy kills people!
The Biebs is being hit with a new lawsuit stemming from the night he was busted for DUI. But it’s not about his driving OR his drinking!
Just like his fan flipouts over the past week, it’s about his picture being taken.
Photographer Manuel Munoz says he took photos of Justin as he was leaving the SET Nightclub right before he was arrested – but Justin noticed and sent his bodyguard over!
Munoz claims bodyguard Dwayne Patterson chased him into a nearby Subway restaurant, where he locked him in and finally cornered him in the bathroom!
Here’s where the story gets a little fuzzy, depending on whether you read Munoz’s police report or his lawsuit.
The police report says the two squabbled over money; Munoz demanded $10,000 for the photos, but Patterson would only pay $5k.
Then either Patterson punched and kicked Munoz and stole the memory card, damaging the camera – or Munoz was tripped. Either way, he’s claiming injury and suing both Bieber AND Patterson for damages.
Justin’s lawyer Howard Weitzman made this strong statement:

“This new lawsuit filed by a paparazzo is yet another shakedown for money. The paparazzo admits that Justin was not present at the alleged ‘assault.’ The paparazzo told the police he had only scratched his knee when he was allegedly tripped, but now claims he was beat up. There are no damages.”

This wouldn’t be the first time Justin’s bodyguards have been accused of getting overzealous, especially where the paparazzi are concerned. But this story also seems a little inconsistent.
We hope the court is able to suss out the truth!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]

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May 16, 2014 10:41am PDT

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