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Justin Bieber 'Never Left' Hailey's Side Throughout Terrifying Blood Clot Scare -- Why It's Happening To 'Younger & Younger People'

Justin Bieber Refuses To Leave Hailey Brain Blood Clot Medical Scare

We knew Justin Bieber was worried about Hailey Bieber after her health scare, but it sounds like it was even worse for him than we thought!

For those who missed it, over the weekend Hailey revealed she’d had “stroke-like symptoms” that turned out to be “a very small blood clot” in her brain. She’s fine now after being treated at the hospital and is recovering at home, but it was a truly harrowing experience — for her AND her devoted hubby!

Related: Justin Can Barely Sleep After Blood Clot Scare

As a source told People on Monday, Justin “is probably more traumatized than even she is” by the event. The insider revealed:

“When it happened, there was a lot of panic. Justin texted everyone he knew and asked everyone to pray for her, and he never left her side.”

Awww! That’s true devotion right there! It sounds like a little bit of a silver lining of this truly shocking moment in their lives is that it solidified their relationship like few things can. The source continued:

“He was saying that he can’t lose her, that whatever it takes, he wanted the best medical treatment available. He would’ve done anything to help her. It was a moment for them both to be reminded about mortality, and focusing on what really matters.”

Wow. Sounds like the scare may have truly changed the Baby singer forever! The insider explained:

“He realizes, and is telling people around him, how much Hailey is his rock, and how she saved him from a dark time… and that he needs to appreciate her every day. He’s going to keep an eye on her and help her however he can. And he has everyone around him praying for her continued good health. It shook him up.”

Yeah, we bet. A blood clot in the brain, something so small and unpredictable that could have taken his whole world away from him. What a terrifying idea! And with Hailey only being 25 years old, too! The idea of losing someone that young to something like this…

People actually spoke to a vascular neurologist to get a more in-depth explanation of the condition. Dr. Shazam Hussain, director of the Cerebrovascular Center at Cleveland Clinic, told the outlet “younger and younger people” are actually suffering from these types of clots. A scary thought! But why??

“It relates, generally, to people having unhealthy lifestyles, maybe not eating as well or not getting in regular exercise, along with other factors like genetics. So it’s important that people don’t just think of it as something that happens to older people. If you’re younger and have those symptoms, you’ve got to get to the hospital.”

Risk factors include “high blood pressure, high cholesterol, difficulty with sugars.” And COVID has also caused blood clots in a small percentage of patients. Because it’s happening more to younger people it’s important for everyone to be aware of how to spot the symptoms of a stroke:

“A stroke is really a situation where every second counts. The brain is very, very sensitive to the lack of blood flow and you lose somewhere around 2 million brain cells a minute. So it’s really important to get that medical attention right away.”

Hailey had what doctors refer to as a “mini stroke” or a transient ischemic attack. Her blood clot was so small it was able to pass on its own, and she quickly recovered. Dr. Shazam explains:

“If it’s a small clot, it can just dissipate and go away on its own and not leave any lasting issues or problems.”

But not everyone is so lucky. And the longer your brain is without oxygen the higher the chance for lasting effects. So if you do experience symptoms, you need to keep this mnemonic in mind: BE FAST!

  • B for balance problems
  • E for eye issues like blurry vision
  • F for face drooping
  • A for arm weakness
  • S for speech difficulty
  • T for time — if you get to T, it’s time to act!

If Hailey’s story helps save some lives because more people become aware of how to spot the signs of a stroke, well, that’s pretty damn big silver lining.

Be safe out there, everyone!

[Image via Justin Bieber/Hailey Bieber/Instagram.]

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Mar 14, 2022 16:22pm PDT