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Kate Middleton Has Everyone On Their Toes In Preparation For Royal Baby Birth!

everyone getting ready for birth of kate middletons baby
Kate Middleton might not be due for another week or so, but plenty of people are already getting a head start in preparing for the arrival of the royal baby!
TONS of photographers and media outlets alike have already begun to swarm St. Mary’s hospital in London to secure a spot in hopes of getting a first look at the royal baby!
Photog Mark Stewart made sure to get there early and says he can’t wait for the big moment:

“We all want a front row position to see history in the making and to record the first appearance of William and Kate’s new baby. There is quite a limited space to see that front door properly so you have to get in there early. It’s one of the biggest stories in the world right now and everybody wants to get a good vantage point.”

The hospital itself is getting prepared for the chaos as well, as they recently put signs up outside of the Lindo Wing to warn people that there will be NO parking for the entire month of July!
Kate’s doctor Marcus Setchell is also getting into tip-top shape, and sources close to him say he’s given up drinking over the past few weeks to make sure he’s on his A-game! And when he finally DOES get the big call, he’ll be able to get a police escort all the way to the hospital to make sure he doesn’t hit any road blocks!
It definitely sounds like the soon-to-be parents have everything covered, as Kate has been making sure to rest up and Prince William is ready to take some days off of work to be by his wifey’s side on their big day!
We’re definitely getting prepared too, as we can’t WAIT to see the little prince or princess! Be sure to check out some of our latest stories as we begin our final countdown for the royal baby!
[CLICK HERE] to see how Kate has been staying healthy throughout her pregnancy!
[CLICK HERE] to catch up on Kate’s plan to go through with a hypno-birth!
[CLICK HERE] to see Kate’s last public appearance before she goes into labor!
[CLICK HERE] to get all of the details on Kate’s baby shower!
[CLICK HERE] to see how Kate and William will use Twitter to announce their baby’s birth!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 03, 2013 15:59pm PDT