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Lindsay Lohan's Playboy Does Extremely Well...In Ad Sales

lindsay lohan playboy sells lots of ads
Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy may not be selling too well in stores…but the mag sold VERY well with advertisers!
According to MagazineRadar, Lindsay’s issue of Playboy sold 55% more ad pages than the same issue one year before, which resulted in a grand total of 49 ad pages being purchased in the mag!
The only other issue of Playboy in recent years that sold more ad pages was Kim Kardashian’s 2007 issue of the mag, in which 56.9 ad pages were purchased! Wowsa!
Maybe Kim and Lindsay should do a Playboy spread together! Now THAT magazine would sell!
What do U think? Would U place ads for UR company in a magazine featuring nekkid pics of LiLo???
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 26, 2011 14:30pm PDT