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Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry Foundation Launches After His Death To Help Those Struggling With Addiction

Matthew Perry Foundation Launches After His Death To Help Those Struggling With Addiction

Matthew Perry’s dream of launching a foundation has come true.

According to People, the 54-year-old actor, who had been open about his decades-long battle with alcohol and drug addiction, planned on creating a foundation to help those going through similar struggles with substance abuse. But heartbreakingly, he never got to see his plans become a reality as he passed away far too young last weekend.

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Following his tragic and unexpected death, though, his loved ones are making sure his legacy lives on — by launching the foundation for him. The Matthew Perry Foundation went live on Friday to begin collecting donations to help those battling addiction. The mission statement explains:

“The Matthew Perry Foundation is the realization of Matthew’s enduring commitment to helping others struggling with the disease of addiction. It will honor his legacy and be guided by his own words and experiences and driven by his passion for making a difference in as many lives as possible.”

Amazing. You can see the foundation website HERE.

We’re glad to see Matthew’s foundation and wishes to be known for “helping others” is happening. Reactions? Let us know in the comments.

If you or someone you know is experiencing substance abuse, help is available. Consider checking out the resources SAMHSA provides at or check out

[Image via Nicky Nelson/WENN]

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Nov 03, 2023 10:59am PDT

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