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Missing Cat Reunited With Owners More Than 100 Days After Being Lost In A Car Crash! Read The Incredible Story HERE!

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We are so happy for this family and their cat!!
Back in June, Carlos Mattei and Olga Garcia got into a car crash on the New Jersey Turnpike, and while the crash wasn’t fatal, it was serious enough to change their lives in some very serious ways.
Mattei, who was thrown from the car in the accident, ended up losing part of his leg — fortunately, the couple wasn’t hurt beyond that (very serious) injury.
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The other sad story from the crash centered on Pancho and Puky, the couple’s cats, both of whom were in a cat carrier in the back seat of the car during the accident.
After the crash, the cats escaped and went missing in New Jersey in what seemed like a hopeless situation for the owners who had been traveling from Boston to their home in Jacksonville, Florida.
But in an unbelievable turn of events more than 100 days later, Pancho has been found alive and healthy, and he is being returned to Mattei and Garcia!!!
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The couple’s Facebook page — which has posted pictures of the cats the last several months in the hopes that the two brothers would be found — gave an update about Pancho (below):

What a day this has been! I struggle for the right words: “Bittersweet” just doesn’t do justice. On one extreme,…
Posted by Pancho and Puky Are Lost on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pancho is now headed on a plane down to Florida, where he will be reunited with Mattei and Garcia.
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On a bittersweet note, though, as the couple says in their Facebook post, Puky is still missing.
But now that Pancho has been found, there may be hope for Puky’s safe return after all — and Mattei and Garcia are hoping New Jersey residents can help them with that!
[Image via Pancho And Puky Are Lost/Facebook.]

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Oct 16, 2015 17:13pm PDT

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