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Montana Might Make Eating Roadkill Legal!

roadkill edible law montana
The Montana House of Representatives has passed a bill that may make it legal for motorists to eat their roadkill!
That’s super gross!
The bill was introduced to the house to allow “game animals, fur-bearing animals, migratory game birds and upland game birds” to be used for food after being killed by a car.
That would mean, deer, elk, moose and antelope would all be on the menu.
In rural states like Montana, roadkill is a real problem.
Hitting a deer, let alone a moose, is seriously dangerous. It can destroy cars and even kill people!
So why not eat the animal if it’s already dead? Instead of going to waste, the meat could be donated to food banks.
But how safe is it to eat roadkill??
A food safety specialist with North Carolina State University said:

“The risk is relative depending on the condition of the animal and how it was killed. In roadkill if you happen upon the animal, you don’t know its condition, which makes it riskier than eating regulated food or an animal you’ve hunted.”

Of course it’s risky, and gross, but in those cases where it can be quickly and safely butchered and then given to those who really need it, why not?
We’ll stick to our normal diet for now though, thanks.
[Image via Forest & Kim Starr/WENN.]

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Feb 21, 2013 13:01pm PDT

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