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New Dinosaur Discovered Called "Chicken From Hell" Is Terrifyingly Hilarious!

new dinosaur discovered called chicken from hell is terrifyingly hilarious andor hilariously terrifying
Anzu wyliei is his name, and being a giant chicken-looking, velociraptor hybrid is his game.
Matt Lamanna and several fellow paleontologist buddies recently unveiled the new creature! The dinosaur is basically an ostrich/raptor that weighed around 600-pounds.
Lamanna said:

“You might think this was a really, really weird-looking bird. But, in fact, this was a very bird-like dinosaur… with a really long bony tail, very large hands and really sharp claws.”

What’s cool about Anzu, the chicken from hell, is it’s the largest species of oviraptor found in North America. It’s a huge, egg-stealing dino!
It was likely 11.5-feet-long, 10-feet-tall, with a bird-like beak and apparently had feathers!
What must’ve sucked for this dino is he lived in the time of T. Rex! Lamanna said:

“It probably spent a lot of its life on the lookout for T. Rex.”

Aww! Poor chicken from hell!
He probably just wanted to do his thang, steal some eggs and whatnot, but he had to constantly try to not get eaten.
Well, at least he’s bones now, and no one wants to eat that.
[Image via AP Images.]

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Mar 23, 2014 10:00am PDT

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