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Obese Dachshund Appears On The Today Show

So sad….this pooch can’t even walk…
Obie, the obese dachshund makes his television debut today and it took some work to get him ready.
The overweight pooch appears on The Today Show, where the world will hear his story.
Obie is 77 pounds, 40 more than a dachshund to be. Nursing assistant and veterinary tech Nora Venatta said the following on Obie’s fight to get back into shape:

My hope is that he can be an inspiration to any person or animal trying to lose weight

Obie’s previous owners were forced to give up the dog because they “couldn’t say no” to him.
Sad…but we know this pooch will fight the bulge!
[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 13, 2012 20:01pm PDT

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