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Barack Obama

President Obama Wants To Avoid 'Militarized' Police! White House To Provide Funding For 50,000 Police Body Cameras!

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With racial tensions at an all time high, and Ferguson, Missouri slowly turning into a police state, President Barack Obama is here to save the day!
He’s in a unique position for this situation: protestors need not only someone who could sympathize with them but also someone with power, someone who can enact real change.
And that’s exactly what Obama is doing.
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He wants to make sure the police aren’t “militarized,” but he also wants to make sure they have the military-style hardware needed to keep their officers safe when things get out of hand.
So he’s come up with a plan… police body cameras! 50,000 of them!!
If all police had to wear body cameras, then they’d probably be much more likely to behave. We’d know definitively whether or not Michael Brown had his hands up (save for technical errors and tampering).
Obama said:

“Part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the United States is deeply invested in making sure that this time is different. It violates my belief in what America can be to hear young people feeling marginalized and distrustful even after they’ve done everything right.”

Obama is proposing a serious spending package of $263 million over three-years to increase the use of body-worn cameras, to expand law enforcement training, and to add resources to departments to help with reform.
Of that $263 million, $75 million is earmarked for the 50,000 cameras.
Obama’s main goal? To make sure that:

“[…] crime goes down while community trust in the police goes up.”

That sounds like a damn good plan to us, and a great use of that money!
Way to make some real change, Obama!
Check out the video (below) to learn a little more about what specifically Obama is doing to help the nation’s communities!

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Dec 02, 2014 12:30pm PDT

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