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Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Officially Announce Africa Tour -- & Tease Archie Will Be Tagging Along!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are bringing their family of three to Africa!
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex took to Instagram on Thursday to confirm they will be embarking on their royal tour in Africa this fall — hinting that baby Archie will be joining them!
In a post on their official IG page, they wrote:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are excited to announce that they have been asked to carry out a tour to Southern Africa this autumn… This will be their first official tour as a family!”

“As a family”!? Well, that definitely includes their first child!
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According to the post, the family will be making a visit South Africa where they plan to meet with locals and “raise awareness of the high impact work local communities are doing across the Commonwealth and beyond.” In addition, Harry will be making stops in Malawi and Angola, as well as a “short working visit in Botswana on route to the other countries.”
While visiting Malawi, the prince who was promised plans to work on expanding the reach of his Sentebale charity, which he co-founded in 2006 to support young people affected by HIV and AIDS in certain African regions. 
For his visit to Angola, Harry will quite literally be following in the footsteps of his late mother. In 1997, Princess Diana visited the country and famously walked through an active landmine area in an effort to spread awareness about the unsafe conditions in the country.

Prince Harry in Africa
Harry’s basically a local at this point. / (c) ITV News

To this day, the presence of landmines in Angola poses a danger to its locals and indigenous animals. Harry visited the region with the HALO Trust in 2013, where he was able to witness how the landmines affected the civil war-torn areas.
This won’t be Meg’s first time on the continent, either. In the summer of 2016, the former actress joined Harry early in their romance to visit Botswana — a trip that ended up solidifying their relationship. 
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Harry said after their engagement:

“I managed to persuade her to come and join me in Botswana. We camped out with each other under the stars. She came and joined me for five days out there, which was absolutely fantastic. So then we were really by ourselves, which was crucial to me to make sure that we had a chance to know each other.”

The couple traveled to Africa again in 2017 to celebrate Meghan’s 36th birthday, so the continent clearly holds a special place in both their hearts.
During the trip, Harry is scheduled to attend an event organized by the Chatham House — a not-for-profit that analyzes and promotes the understanding of major global issues and current affairs — where he will listen to a panel about sustainable development and mine action before making his own remarks. 
Hopefully, the family’s tour will lead to major change in these regions… and maybe a few cute pics of Master Archie in the savanna!
Read the full announcement (below)!

[Image via WENN]

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Jun 27, 2019 12:09pm PDT