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Prince Harry’s Upcoming Memoir Will Take ‘Revenge’ On Camilla Parker Bowles?!

Prince Harry’s Upcoming Memoir Will Take ‘Revenge’ On Camilla Parker Bowles?!

Does Prince Harry plan on taking “revenge” on Camilla Parker Bowles in his upcoming memoir? One royal expert certainly seems to think so!

While the father of two has not yet revealed many details about the book’s contents, royal biographer Angela Levin believes the 37-year-old may have a lot to say about the Duchess of Cornwall – and not all of it will be good. She told Talk Radio:

“Harry‘s memoir is coming out at the end of the year. Anyone who is anyone is saying it’s going to attack Camilla and make her responsible for [his] mental health and how she stole his father from his mother.”

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Prince Charles married Camilla in 2005, but they had long been romantically linked beforehand. The late Princess Diana particularly loathed the now 74-year-old, whom she blamed for ruining her relationship with the Prince of Wales. Prince Harry ultimately had to witness his mother’s unhappiness, divorce, and tragic death at the age of 36 in 1997 – so it would not shock anyone if he didn’t have the best opinions about Camilla. They’re already on shaky grounds, given that the prince and his wife Meghan Markle have been very open about their negative experiences during their time as senior members of the royal family. And interestingly enough, Harry has not even publicly addressed Queen Elizabeth’s decision to give Camilla the title of Queen Consort when the time comes. So there is a strong possibility that he is not on good terms with the duchess at this time. Maybe he just doesn’t want to hold back his true feelings anymore??

When asked about Harry’s relationship with the Duchess of Cornwall before all of the drama, Levin said:

“When I met him he was very nice about her, said she was a wonderful woman and said he liked her very much. Camilla was also very helpful to Meghan when she first joined – took her out for lunch and tried to teach her some of the things she needed to know – the restrictions and the disadvantages as well as the positives.”

Despite Camilla being friendly with the Sussexes, the expert still thinks that Harry will take the opportunity to exact “revenge” on Camilla and be “spiteful” towards the royal family. Levin added:

“Prince Charles is very malleable because he loves Harry very much so he might be more inclined to let him have his way, but I think if he reads what he says about Camilla then he won’t do that.”

Sounds like everyone is in for even more royal family drama when this memoir drops…

Reports have already come out about how concerned the fam has been over the contents of Harry’s book. A source previously revealed to The Sun that Prince Charles has expressed his fears that the book will be an “excoriating takedown” of Camilla because of the affair they had when he was still married to Diana. They explained:

“There are concerns about Harry’s recollections of Camilla’s entry into the Royal Family, and how her long-running romance with Charles damaged him from a young age. Harry is fiercely loyal and protective of his late mother and her legacy, and didn’t approve of Camilla sweeping in as the great love of his father’s life. Understandably he found those early years incredibly difficult, and he might publicly blame Camilla for much of what he believes went wrong in his childhood, and the trauma the whole situation caused.”

Do you think Prince Harry will take a swipe at Camilla in his upcoming memoir, Perezcious readers? Sound OFF with your thoughts in the comments (below)!

[Image via WENN]

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Mar 04, 2022 13:46pm PDT