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Randy Travis Apologizes For Public Intoxication Incident

randy travis apologizes
At least he’s admitting he screwed up.
To recap – early yesterday morning, country singer Randy Travis was found drunk in front of a Baptist church in Dallas…and he was arrested on a public intoxication charge.
Then, we heard that he had been drinking in an effort to drown his sorrows following a fight with his girlfriend.
Now, we’ve learned that Randy has issued a formal apology, which is as follows:

“I apologize for what resulted following an evening of celebrating the Super Bowl. I’m committed to being responsible and accountable, and apologize for my actions.”

Fortunately, it sounds like the damage here was minimal, so we’d say this one is forgivable…as long as he wasn’t drinking and driving.
Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen again!

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Feb 07, 2012 15:50pm PDT

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