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Tyga Apologizes To Perez For Homophobic Tweet!

We like it when people own up to their actions!
On Twitter this weekend, rapper Tyga tweeted some very disappointing and homophobic things in defense of Chris Brown and his phone snatching incident. But he took the wrong route in doing so, which elicited some strong responses, including one from Perez!
He took out his frustration with the media outlet that first revealed the story, tweeting:

“who runs mediatakeout. F****ts, trannys, or both??? I’ll wait..”

So not cool. We had to respond and tweet back:

Because faggots and trannys are bad people that spread lies? That’s what it sounds like you’re saying. And that’s very disappointing!

Realizing his mistake, Tyga was very mature and responded to us with an apology for his ignorance, saying:

@PerezHilton have nothing against gays..Power to what u do.But spreading false negativity is a weak emotion to me.

Thank you, Tyga. Hopefully others can be just as mature as you are!
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 05, 2012 16:10pm PDT