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The New Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Taglines Are Here -- And They're Spectacular!

The season ten taglines for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are HERE!

The season 10 taglines are here, y’all, and we’re loving them!

This upcoming season of Bravo‘s hit show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills promises as much drama and controversy as ever. Relatively new cast members — like Denise Richards, who joined the show last season — can be sure to be thanked for that!!

Related: Denise Denies Open Marriage Rumors After ALL That Brandi Glanville Drama…

The 49-year-old actress-turned-reality maven is taking a page out of her experience on The Bold And The Beautiful and other film and TV pursuits, channeling the creative drama into her reality TV persona. And judging by her tagline on the show this season, well, it sure appears like she’s in on the joke!

We don’t want to give anything away — you’ll have to scroll down (below) to find every woman’s specific line listed — but let’s just say, uhhh, it all has to do with a certain kind of massage Denise’s husband Aaron Phypers received during one of last season’s episodes!

Anything ringin’ any bells yet, fans?! Come on… find your happy place! Maybe this will help: in the infamous season 9, words of another cast member coming out of that very same episode, why is everyone acting like such a f**king nun?! LOLz!!!

Anyways, without further ado, here are all the taglines for the upcoming season, which returns for its premiere on Bravo in a little over a week: tune in Wednesday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m. ET!

Teddi Mellencamp

Teddi Mellencamp shares her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline!
Give it to ’em, Teddi! / (c) WENN/Avalon

“You never know what to expect when I’m expecting.”

Erika Jayne

Erika Jayne's new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline is here!
Not holding back! / (c) WENN/Instar

“Break a leg? Not in these heels, honey.”

Garcelle Beauvais

Garcelle Beauvais shares hew new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline!
Maybe the best tagline of them all?? / (c) WENN/Avalon

“Life is an audition and honey, I am getting that part.”

Denise Richards

Denise Richards' Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline is here!
Bring it, Denise! / (c) WENN/Avalon

“My life may not be a fairytale, but I’ll always get a happy ending.”

Lisa Rinna

Lisa Rinna's new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline is here!
Lisa is back and ready for more! / (c) WENN/Instar

“The secret to life? Dance like everyone is watching.”

Dorit Kemsley

Dorit Kemsley's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline is revealed!
Keeping things simple… / (c) Nicky Nelson/WENN

“I won’t settle for anything else than everything.”

Kyle Richards

Kyle Richards' new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tagline has been revealed!
The one… the only… the icon… the veteran… it’s Kyle, y’all! / (c) Adriana M. Barraza/WENN

“Around here, there’s more than just dresses in everyones’ closet.”

Well, well, well! What do y’all think of those taglines?! Quite a bit to take in, isn’t it?! How about y’all?! We want to hear from you about them!! Sound OFF with your reactions in the comments down (below)!!!

[Image via WENN/Instar/Avalon]

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Apr 07, 2020 08:02am PDT