Scott Disick is making a vintage dad move: celebrating his son’s worthy achievement and embarrassing the poor guy all at the same time! Ha!
Mason Disick passed the sixth grade this week, and on Wednesday night, his 39-year-old poppa proudly bragged about the achievement on his well-watched social media platforms! There were just two little problems — Scott’s celebration must’ve come off as SUPER cringe for the poor 12-year-old (LOLz), and Mason fell asleep during the party! Oh, no!
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The Flip It Like Disick alum kicked things off on Wednesday night by showcasing balloons that celebrated Mason’s latest academic achievement of completing another year of school!
Posting to his Instagram Stories, Scott shared this sweet snap showing off a set of balloons that left very little to the imagination about the achievement itself:

No “congrats graduate” or anything like that?! Just a big ol’ run-on sentence shaped out with a literal wall of balloons. Subtlety is not Scott’s strong suit here! LOLz!
Still, it’s SUPER sweet. We love it! But putting ourselves in Mason’s shoes, and thinking back to when we were 12 years old, we probably might have died a little inside at this very direct outpouring of love! So it goes in those awkward pre-teen years. Mom and dad are always embarrassing you one way or another. We’ve ALL been there!! Ha!
The funny part came later in the night, though, when Scott returned to his IG Stories and showed off the aftermath of Mason’s big graduation celebration:

Ahhh, well! So much for the party.
But it was a very nice gesture by Dad Disick, indeed! It’s the thought that counts, after all.
Congrats to Mason!!
[Image via Scott Disick/Instagram]