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Madison Prewett Has 'No Hard Feelings' Towards Bachelor Peter Weber's Mom -- Even Though Barb Made Her Cry!

Madison Prewett opens up about what it was like to have Barb go after her on live TV!

It’s nice that Madison Prewett is classy and mature enough to take the high road here, but like, girl, come on… tell us how you really feel.

The Alabama native and finalist on Peter Weber‘s pre-coronavirus season of The Bachelor — which officially feels like forever ago now, BTW — opened up about her time on the show last night on national TV. And while she said nice things about her one-time arch nemesis (AKA Peter’s mom, Barb Weber), we know there’s gotta be WAY more going on in her head… right?!

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The 24-year-old southerner appeared last night alongside fellow Weber-season finalist Hannah Ann Sluss on The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons — Ever!, a recap show of sorts hosted by series icon Chris Harrison. And of course, during her time on air, the basketball coach’s daughter was asked about that infamous live TV meltdown involving Peter’s momma.

When Harrison pressed her about that (unfortunately) memorable night, Madison first offered up her well-wishes for Peter and Kelley Flanagan, who officially got together soon after the show ended:

“Kelley and I were really close on the show and obviously I loved Peter and, you know, I’m happy that he’s found, you know, a person that he feels like he can be the best version of himself with and that his family loves and supports. I truly am so happy for them.”

Well isn’t that sweet!

Then, she shared some platitudes about Barb’s, ummm, very motherly tendencies towards her eldest son:

“As far as with Barb, there’s absolutely no hard feelings there. She is a great mom and she was just doing her job as a mom to protect her son in the way that she felt like she needed to. I wish them all the best.”

Umm… really?? Reeeeeally?!?! No hard feelings AT ALL??

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Thankfully, host Harrison was as skeptical as we are about that politically-correct answer, and he doubled down on the topic, insisting “there was zero chance there were no hard feelings” while prodding for more. Finally, Madison admitted to a little bit of bitterness — which we totally understand, BTW! — and finally said:

“I was very upset after. I really was. But, now I’m in such a good place now. But after the show, yes, I cried myself … [to sleep that night].”

Wow! There we go! Finally a little emotional honesty from the sweet, put-together southern belle!!! Honestly, we’re here for it, too, because it’s how she should feel! Barb was BRUTAL to her that night. It’s OK to admit it and have your emotions, girl!!! It’d be weird if you didn’t have something negative to say after an experience like that!

What do U think, Perezcious readers?! It’s only natural for Madison to have been PISSED after Barb’s primetime TV smackdown, right?? Besides, it’s good to let it out! Ya, know… sometimes! Ha!

[Image via YouTube/Instagram]

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Jun 16, 2020 13:10pm PDT