Tayshia Adams‘ ex-husband is coming forward with his side of the story!
As you’ll no doubt recall, this season’s Clare Crawley replacement on The Bachelorette was married at one point earlier in her life. Now, her ex, Josh Bourelle, has decided to come forward to shed more light on their relationship and divorce — and his word doesn’t exactly go hand-in-hand with what Tayshia has been saying on TV!
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Of course, fans who have been watching the show know that on Tuesday’s newest episode, she confronted one of her final remaining suitors, Zac Clark, after he admitted to cheating in the past. “I will not date a cheater,” she told Clark at the time, informing him that was the “main reason” why her marriage ended. But is that completely true?!
Bourelle aired his version of events on the Reality Steve Podcast this week, and he’s clearly pissed about being the fall guy without getting a chance to defend himself!
Bourelle said (below):
“While she was on The Bachelor, she did bring up the fact that the reason why our relationship failed, in her opinion, was that I had cheated. When that first happened, I said, Well, ok, I guess it’s fine for her to say it one time, but now it just continues to happen. Really, the only perception of me from the audience, is that I am the guy who cheated on Tayshia. So, I mean, I feel like that’s a slight injustice to me because there was a lot more to it than that.It’s been a slight mar to my reputation, because honestly I don’t think there needs to be a negative connotation about our relationship in the past.”
Well… yeah! That’s what happens when you cheat on an ex and then she goes on national TV, dude! She gets to tell her version of events and you’re left high and dry unless you’re also on reality TV. Just the way it works!
Still, Josh attempted to contextualize his cheating — as if that made his decision any better. He told Reality Steve (below):
“I was not happy with our relationship. I wasn’t in a place where I was actually happy and what I look for in a relationship is a partner and I didn’t feel like I had a partner. I also look for somebody that I want to raise kids with and honestly, I came to the conclusion that I didn’t want to raise kids with her. [Intimacy] was also seriously lacking in our relationship.”
And he further claimed the cheating itself was “a single occurrence” which happened one night while Tayshia was out of town. Bourelle says he quickly admitted it to the reality TV star after she returned home, and they tried to make it work through therapy.
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Nevertheless, after a few months, he realized his heart “was not in it,” and they split. The pair had been married for two years, and together as a couple for more than seven years.
Now, after the divorce, he’s surprised at how often his story comes up on the show:
“I figured we had a mutual respect that we wanted the best for each other after the divorce. Now, her going out and saying that I cheated on her and that was the reason for our divorce on national TV, I felt like kind of crossed the line on that a little bit because I feel like she was using that as her sob story to make her look better and it was hurtful to me because it wasn’t just me that heard about that. I had to do a lot of explaining after that was said. It’s not something I really even want to talk about.”
And furthermore, he doesn’t think he’s the only person who should be blamed for the mistakes in their relationship! Pointing out Tayshia’s flaws, too, Josh explained:
“We’re humans. She made just as many mistakes, maybe even more mistakes than I did over the course of our relationship, and it would be refreshing for her to actually own up to that a little bit. I was happy until she kind of threw me in the gutter by saying what she did about me.”
Hmmm… OK… but again, dude, you were the one who cheated! And Tayshia is the one with a national audience! It can’t be that hard to see how this game is played!
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Ultimately, Josh took one (BIG!) final jab at Tayshia at the end of his podcast convo. This one is a doozy:
“Quit using one thing that happened in our relationship as a sob story to make people feel bad for you. I mean, it’s kind of hypocritical in a way because, I mean, you’re calling me a cheater, yet you’re dating 25 different guys at the same time or whatever. It’s been a tough situation for me and I’m kind of over it at this point.”
Yikes! Sour grapes from a sore loser! Sorry, it just really reads that way to us!!!
Honestly, Perezcious readers, we don’t have a lot of sympathy for this guy whining about how he’s being portrayed on national TV. We get it, dude, you don’t like your edit. But you cheated! That’s really bad! And she has the audience and platform to tell her story how she wants! Just saying!!!
[Image via Tayshia Adams/D&J Roofing/Instagram]
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