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U2 Fans, Rejoice! Achtung Baby Getting HUGE 20th Anniversay Reissue!

u2 album achtung baby getting huge reissue

We don’t want to give away the surprise, but there’s actually going to be a clone of both Bono and The Edge in EVERY set sold! LOLz.

Okay, so maybe there won’t be any clones, but the upcoming 20th anniversary reissue of Achtung Baby will still be more-than-expansive!

Here’s what U2 band manager Paul McGuinness had to say about the release in an interview from earlier this year:

“If you pile a lot of extra material and packaging and design work into a super-duper box set, there are people who will pay quite a lot for it, so you can budget it at a very high level and pump up the value.”

Wanna know EVERYTHING you’ll be getting in this massive new set??? Check out all the product deets HERE!

Will U pick up the super-crazy-insane-special-deluxe-fantabulous edition of Achtung Baby when it comes out?

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Aug 05, 2011 02:30am PDT

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